Pre – Workout Nutrition.
Moderate to high intensity endurance activities, resistance based workout rely on carbohydrate as a fuel source. Thus, glycogen storage is very significant in our body. Throughout the day, your body will use macronutrients especially carbohydrate to run your bodily functions such as to pump the blood all over your body, to let your brain make decisions and a lot more! By the time your put your sport attire on, your glycogen might at the minimum level and if you exercise without refueling your body, you might not be at your best capability.
Pre workout nutrition targets to provide blood sugar for high energy supply to working muscles and brain. Your muscles are not the only part of your body that needs energy when exercising, your brain needs them too. Especially for decision making sport where the brain is required to focus, make split decisions and be extra cautious. Besides, pre workout nutrition also targeted to provide nutrients that easily digested and to prevent stomach discomfort. For exercise, you need fast energy to support the energy demand thus the correct food is crucial to make sure this energy system work efficiently. Pre workout nutrition also to prevent you from dehydrated state which can impair performance.
Pre workout nutrition can start 3 to 4 hours before with balanced and complete meal such as nasi berlauk, soup noodles, spaghetti bolognese and any 1 plate food. The macronutrients distribution are high carbohydrate, moderate protein and low fat. 30 to 60 minutes prior to your workout, you should ingest high carbohydrate with high glycemic index (GI) value and low protein and fat. For example you can have 2 medium of banana, 1 piece of bread with 1 table spoon of fruit jam or as simple as 1 bottle/can sports drink or an energy bar!
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